این کلیپ را حتما حتما حتما ببینید و تا میتونید منتشر کنید .
ایران در ازای ترور و حملات اسرائیل چکارهایی انجام داده است ؟
آیا تا کنون حملات اسرائیل و آمریکا از طرف ما پاسخی داشته است؟
پاسخ شدید ایران به حماقت های اسرائیل چه بوده است؟
ما در جنگ با اسرائیل هستیم؟
دست آورد های انقلاب اسلامی ایران چه بوده؟
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(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined" ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = global || self, global.shave = factory());
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"use strict";
function shave(target, maxHeight) {
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(function (n, h) { "function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define([], h) : "object" === typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = h() : n.Rellax = h() })("undefined" !== typeof window ? window : global, function () {
var n = function (h, p) {
var a = Object.create(n.prototype), l = 0, r = 0, k = 0, t = 0, c = [], u = !0, B = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || function (a) { return setTimeout(a, 1E3 / 60) }, q = null, C = window.cancelAnimationFrame ||
window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || clearTimeout, D = window.transformProp || function () { var a = document.createElement("div"); if (null === a.style.transform) { var b = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], e; for (e in b) if (void 0 !== a.style[b[e] + "Transform"]) return b[e] + "Transform" } return "transform" }(); a.options = { speed: -2, center: !1, wrapper: null, relativeToWrapper: !1, round: !0, vertical: !0, horizontal: !1, callback: function () { } }; p && Object.keys(p).forEach(function (d) { a.options[d] = p[d] }); h || (h = ".rellax"); var m = "string" === typeof h ? document.querySelectorAll(h) :
[h]; if (0 < m.length) {
a.elems = m; if (a.options.wrapper && !a.options.wrapper.nodeType) if (m = document.querySelector(a.options.wrapper)) a.options.wrapper = m; else { console.warn("Rellax: The wrapper you're trying to use doesn't exist."); return } var w = function () {
for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++)a.elems[d].style.cssText = c[d].style; c = []; r = window.innerHeight; t = window.innerWidth; x(); for (d = 0; d < a.elems.length; d++) {
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0, l = b.getAttribute("data-rellax-min"), n = b.getAttribute("data-rellax-max"), v = a.options.wrapper ? a.options.wrapper.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; a.options.relativeToWrapper && (v = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) - a.options.wrapper.offsetTop); var f = a.options.vertical ? e || a.options.center ? v : 0 : 0, k = a.options.horizontal ? e || a.options.center ? a.options.wrapper ? a.options.wrapper.scrollLeft : window.pageXOffset ||
document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft : 0 : 0; v = f + b.getBoundingClientRect().top; var m = b.clientHeight || b.offsetHeight || b.scrollHeight, p = k + b.getBoundingClientRect().left, q = b.clientWidth || b.offsetWidth || b.scrollWidth; f = e ? e : (f - v + r) / (m + r); e = e ? e : (k - p + t) / (q + t); a.options.center && (f = e = .5); g = g ? g : a.options.speed; e = y(e, f, g); b = b.style.cssText; f = ""; 0 <= b.indexOf("transform") && (f = b.indexOf("transform"), f = b.slice(f), f = (k = f.indexOf(";")) ? " " + f.slice(11, k).replace(/\s/g, "") : " " + f.slice(11).replace(/\s/g,
"")); c.push({ baseX: e.x, baseY: e.y, top: v, left: p, height: m, width: q, speed: g, style: b, transform: f, zindex: h, min: l, max: n })
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}, x = function () {
var d = l, b = k; l = a.options.wrapper ? a.options.wrapper.scrollTop : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop || window.pageYOffset; k = a.options.wrapper ? a.options.wrapper.scrollLeft : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollLeft || window.pageXOffset; a.options.relativeToWrapper &&
(l = ((document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop || window.pageYOffset) - a.options.wrapper.offsetTop); return d != l && a.options.vertical || b != k && a.options.horizontal ? !0 : !1
}, y = function (d, b, e) { var c = {}; d = 100 * e * (1 - d); b = 100 * e * (1 - b); c.x = a.options.round ? Math.round(d) : Math.round(100 * d) / 100; c.y = a.options.round ? Math.round(b) : Math.round(100 * b) / 100; return c }, A = function () { x() && !1 === u && z(); q = B(A) }, z = function () {
for (var d, b = 0; b < a.elems.length; b++) {
d = y((k - c[b].left + t) / (c[b].width + t), (l -
c[b].top + r) / (c[b].height + r), c[b].speed); var e = d.y - c[b].baseY, g = d.x - c[b].baseX; null !== c[b].min && (a.options.vertical && !a.options.horizontal && (e = e <= c[b].min ? c[b].min : e), a.options.horizontal && !a.options.vertical && (g = g <= c[b].min ? c[b].min : g)); null !== c[b].max && (a.options.vertical && !a.options.horizontal && (e = e >= c[b].max ? c[b].max : e), a.options.horizontal && !a.options.vertical && (g = g >= c[b].max ? c[b].max : g)); a.elems[b].style[D] = "translate3d(" + (a.options.horizontal ? g : "0") + "px," + (a.options.vertical ? e : "0") + "px," + c[b].zindex +
"px) " + c[b].transform
} a.options.callback(d)
}; a.destroy = function () { for (var d = 0; d < a.elems.length; d++)a.elems[d].style.cssText = c[d].style; u || (window.removeEventListener("resize", w), u = !0); C(q); q = null }; w(); A(); a.refresh = w; return a
} console.warn("Rellax: The elements you're trying to select don't exist.")
}; return n
new Rellax(".rellax");